Cucumber Magnolia - Ukulele Tonewood

Timeless received a shipment of cucumber Magnolia a few years ago and is down to the ukulele size pieces. The wood has green Yellow streaks runnignthru it creating spectacular paterns. It bends very easy. It plane, sands, scrapes well also . Like Mpale,  it absorbs water when being bent  and needs to dry in order to set the bend.
 It takes a finish very well.
Because of the varying sizes of Ukulele, we have chosen to cut our wood with Tenor size ukuleles in mind.  If you are requiring something specific you cannot find here please let us know what you need as we do custom cutting.  All backs are 2 piece and bookmatched unless stated otherwise.

Size: Back - 3/16" x 5" x (12.5" to 14")
         Side: - 3/16" x 3 1/4" x 18"

Cucumber Magnolia, Uke - Set 803

Cucumber Magnolia, Uke - Set 804

Cucumber Magnolia, Uke - Set 805

Cucumber Magnolia, Uke - Set 807

Cucumber Magnolia, Uke - Set 808